Onlineschule Online school UNBRICKED

We bring the school to you!

The Online school for your child's modern education and location independence for you

“Live your life the way you imagine it and offer with our online school an education that your children deserve.”

The online school for your child's a modern education and shape your life according to your ideas.

Live your life the way you want to and offer your children an exceptional education outside of the state school system. This is not a pipe dream, but a reality. You don’t have to subject your life to the narrow dictates of traditional schooling with which we grew up. With our online school, UNBRICKED, we aim to provide people with an option to forego all the restrictions that come with the state school system, while simultaneously offering their children a truly modern education. An education that is based on the latest scientific methods, which does far more than imparting mere knowledge, but rather caters individually to the strengths and interests of each child.

You are often on the go and want a modern education for your children?

People have different ideas about the perfect life. For many people, this includes frequently changing their place of residence because they love freedom, discovering new places and cultures. Other people are frequently on the move due to their personal or professional situation. However, this can be a challenging situation if they have school-aged children. They want to see their children grow up and spend time with them. Traditional state school systems do not offer a real alternative here. Frequent school changes and unhappy children are often the result.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. With UNBRICKED, our online school, we bring the school to you, no matter how much you travel. Your children not only keep their social contacts, but also receive an education that goes far beyond the quality offered by the state.

"Do you not want to leave the education of your children to the state school system?"

“At first glance, public school systems seem convenient. You send your kids to school and they take care of the rest. However, the quality and results are poor. This is not a groundbreaking revelation, but a bitter reality for many years. Positive developments are unfortunately hardly noticeable. Accordingly, the trend is further negative.

We can, therefore, understand very well that parents are looking for alternatives. After all, one would like to offer their children an optimal preparation for life. With our online school UNBRICKED, we offer this option. A school where children do not just memorize knowledge and cram for tests. A school where the real interests and strengths of your children are taken into account, and where teachers have enough time to provide the educational support that your kids need and deserve through small classes. A school that not only teaches “standard knowledge”, but goes far beyond to teach the things that really matter in today’s world.”

"UNBRICKED" our online school is the option for...

Kind lernt von zu Hause in einer Onlineschule; kid learning from home at an online school

"Parents who prefer homeschooling."

“You are not a fan of state school systems and would like to homeschool your children but lack time and resources? No problem, in our online school, we offer your children the education they deserve. If you’re unsure if homeschooling is possible in your situation, then please write to us. We’d be happy to advise you.”

Frequent travelers

You are always on the go, whether it’s for work or because you simply love to travel. At the same time, you want to see your children grow up and spend time with them. We enable you to combine both. Live your life the way you want, enjoy time with your children and offer them the education they deserve.

Onlineschule für viel Reisende; online school for frequent travellers
Mutter spielt mit Kindern ohne Vater dank Onlineschule; online school

Separated families

“You are separated from the other parent, you share custody, and your children spend longer periods of time with each parent. You don’t want to subject your children to constant school changes? UNBRICKED makes it easy for your children’s school to come along, whether they are with Mom or Dad.”

Artists, Athletes, Entertainers

The life of an artist, athlete, or entertainer is exciting. Milan on Monday, Paris on Wednesday, London on Friday… Not an easy situation for parents. However, with our online school UNBRICKED, such a life can be easily managed. Your children’s school simply follows your travel plans and not the other way around, so your children can take their social group, their class community along with them.

Onlineschule für Kinder von Künstlern, Sportlern und Entertainern

A new way of school

UNBRICKED – A new way of school is so much more than just a school. We live, love, research, learn, discover, experiment, celebrate and study together. Our learning companions and students are true partners, who respect each other and trust each other to bring out the best in themselves.

We see every child as what they are: a lovable human being. And that’s why our students look forward to school every day. Because with our online school, we create a place where every child feels safe. In a learning environment where the child is really at the center, we learn with head, heart and hands. With our modern learning concept, we bring every child to their goal.

Thanks to small class sizes and individual support, we need far less time than the state school system, and that’s why we have so much more than just basic knowledge. Entrepreneurship, finance, new media, artificial intelligence, technology and research in all areas, all with lots of fun and enthusiasm, always keeping our eye on the desired school qualification.

Preparing for life, not just for exams

The most important thing is that we prepare your child. For an excellent graduation (currently German Abitur/English A-Level). For life. For their career, whatever it may look like for your child. Entrepreneurship and finance, new media and artificial intelligence, technology and research in all areas. We respond quickly and provide the tools your child needs to be equipped for the future. That’s why we have “Open Studies” every Thursday. Cross-class project work based on your child’s interests and abilities. Because education is the ticket to the future.

Individual support

We are especially dedicated to promoting the individual development of your child. Through our small classes and pedagogical approach, we ensure that your child develops in the best possible way and is supported and challenged according to their abilities and interests. Is your child a math genius who leaves every teacher in the dust? No problem, we open the Math Expert Playground for your child. Is your child artistically gifted? We ensure a stress-free school graduation where there is still plenty of time and space for your child’s artistic development.

Classes in English

Our world is international, just like our students. The best preparation for a future with a high level of language proficiency is our English-taught classes. Even children who do not speak English well can easily adapt to the language within the first few months. Since English is the natural language environment for our students, it feels almost like learning a second native language for your child. And without evaluation, any pressure for success in traditional language instruction disappears naturally.

Small classes of maximum 8 students

The maximum class size is eight students. This ensures that the learning companions can really keep a close eye on every child and that each student receives sufficient attention and time for questions, reflection and feedback. Every Thursday we dissolve the classes and the students have the opportunity to work on projects across classes in the “Open Studies”.


The classes take place online. Therefore, our deep dives are very important to us. Twice a year, our students and learning guides meet at a central location in Europe, explore different cultures, learn new languages, and enjoy the offline time together. They engage in cultural activities, sports, and much more.

Not just teachers

Our teachers are learning guides, because they not only teach, but also accompany your child through all the experiences related to independent learning. Traditional “cramming” is not part of our approach. We rely on a mix of educators and experts, individually selected according to what the class currently needs.

Can my child be part of UNBRICKED?

In our Freedom Guide, you will find all the information summarized for you. Including all the requirements, a homeschooling overview for 25 countries to guide you, as well as three inspiring stories from famous personalities who enjoyed homeschooling as children.

By clicking the “Get your Freedom Guide now!” button, you agree to receive regular information about our offers by email. You can unsubscribe from this newsletter at any time. You can find all information about data processing in our privacy policy.

online school freedom guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Surely you want the best education your child can get, right?

An online school offers your child excellent educational opportunities since the curriculum and the way of teaching can be very well tailored to your child. Let’s be honest: many private schools offer the same.
But there are many other advantages to attending an online school:

  • No need to travel to school
  • Access to top-quality teachers from all over the world
  • Local flexibility when traveling
  • Stable class and friend environment if the family has to move frequently (e.g. for professional reasons)
  • Safe learning environment
  • Easy access for children with special (educational) needs
  • And many more

Still need more reasons? Then just read on. In our blog article, you will find “20 + 1 reasons why your child should attend an international online school“.

This cannot be answered universally, but depends on your personal circumstances, such as your place of residence. The best thing to do is to schedule a call with us, and we will look at your situation together in detail.

Currently, we are preparing our students for all British and German school qualifications and advising on the desired external examination. We also offer preparation for exams in other countries and expand our range gradually and on demand, even if you live in another country.

Primary school students are taught by class teachers who have the necessary academic qualifications and teaching certifications as well as genuine care for young children. Non-native English speakers speak at least C1 level. In addition to the classic school curriculum, your child can participate in projects that are led by experts in art, culture, science, sports, or business, dependent on the topic.

Our secondary school students are primarily taught by two fixed class teachers – one from the natural sciences and one from the humanities. They also have the necessary academic qualifications, teaching certifications, and speak a minimum of C1 level of English. Furthermore, additional learning facilitators are available to secondary students, who can be either classically trained teachers or experts in art, culture, science, sports or business. As students become more experienced in a particular subject, it becomes increasingly important for them to have genuine professionals from the respective fields at their side.

Every class has one (primary level) or two (secondary level) class teachers who have the necessary teaching qualifications and academic degree. Additionally, our teachers speak English at a minimum level of C1. Our experts are true professionals in their respective fields.

You simply fill out our short form, choose a conversation date, ask all your questions, and we will send you the admission contract. Sign it, send it back: Let’s get started!

Join our first two pilot classes and paint the future of education!

“Every beginning is difficult, as they say. But not only that! Every beginning also offers many very special opportunities. Not only for us, but especially for our students and their parents.

In our first two pilot classes, you have the opportunity to play a decisive role in painting the future of UNBRICKED!

And as a big thank you, we have a very special offer for you!”

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