Join our first two pilot classes and paint the future of education!

Unbricked primary school

A new way of school

A new way of school: A big promise – we keep it. Your child will receive an excellent education with us. Why are we so sure about that? Because we follow what science has known for decades: how learning works. And we implement this knowledge. With a lot of heart and mind. You can find out what this looks like in practice here.

"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."

- Malcolm X

We want tomorrow to belong to our students. And we are preparing them for it.

UNBRICKED – A new way of school is so much more than a school. We live, love, research, learn, discover, experiment, celebrate and study together. Primary school students are usually particularly motivated and look forward to being a schoolchild.

At UNBRICKED, it is particularly important to us that we maintain and support this joy of discovery and creation, so that your child only gains positive experiences regarding school from the outset. Therefore, we create a learning environment in which your child is truly at the center and learns with head, heart and hands. And because our young students’ enthusiasm always enchants us in a very special way, we have a very special name for them: we lovingly call them our BRIGHT BRICKS.

Our educational concept

From birth, your child is full of potential.

However, during primary school age, their development and progression can vary greatly. Whether they’re a dreamer or a structured super brain; whether they’re very independent or require more support, UNBRICKED provides your child with as much time as necessary to prepare them for secondary school, whether it’s two, three, four or five years. Your child will not feel disadvantaged or favored, no matter how their individual development progresses, and they will learn that all BRIGHT BRICKS are valuable parts of a whole.

Our BRIGHT BRICKS are prepared for self-directed learning, but it’s important for your child to have a loving caregiver at home to support them with their schoolwork. This can be a parent, grandparent, au pair, or older sibling. UNBRICKED is the best alternative to a traditional school.

Duration depending on the requirements (2 to 5 years)

From the replacement of teeth until reaching adolescence, your child is in a stable developmental phase. Childhood illnesses have been overcome and adolescence is still a long way off. However, since this phase varies in duration for each child, UNBRICKED reacts flexibly to your child’s development.

Strong like Pippi Longstocking

Children aged six to twelve are full of energy and strength and find joy in taking on physical challenges. Our online teaching also highlights the significance of physical activity and exertion.


Your child is equipped with a very special gift: infinite imagination. It allows him/her to explore far beyond concrete experiences that can be perceived by the five senses. Just like a few years ago, when your child wanted to do everything by him/herself, now he/she wants to think for him/herself with a lot of imagination.

Logical thinking

Your child’s natural thirst for knowledge seems infinite. Now is the time for curiosity and the desire to understand the cause and effect of things. Your child is not interested in bite-sized pieces and rote learning. We explore the entire universe and understand relationships. We lay the foundations for abstract concepts and logical thinking.

Social being

For the first years of its life, your child was busy developing itself. Now, it’s time to develop as a social being. UNBRICKED offers the opportunity to establish and maintain stable social contacts, even if the family is traveling or if your child encounters difficulties in other contexts.

Counting, Reading, Writing, English

In addition to all that UNBRICKED offers beyond a state school, your child will naturally learn all the fundamentals of traditional subjects such as Math, German, Social Studies, Technology, Science, Music, and Art. And, like the “big” schools, classes are conducted in English, which our BRIGHT BRICKS are exceptionally proud of.

The perfect school day

9:15 - 9:30
Open Beginning
We start off in a relaxed manner with an open beginning. The BRIGHT BRICKS meet in a Zoom room and have the opportunity to talk about anything that is currently occupying and affecting them. This way, their minds are free and clear for the start of the school day, and we can begin with focus.
9:15 - 9:30
Let's get started
We activate our body and our mind for 5 minutes, we drink a glass of still water, pump oxygen through the finest veins and awaken our brain.
9:30 - 10.30
We discover, research and learn about a topic complex for 60 minutes a day.
9:30 - 10.30
10:30 - 12:00
Give me a break
Breaks are important. Your child now has 90 minutes to play, read, sleep, run around, eat and complete a small task (approximately 15 minutes).
10:30 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:30
At 12 o'clock, the BRIGHT BRICKS are meeting once again. Now there is 30 minutes to present the independently solved tasks and to end the school day. This leaves your child with plenty of time for their own leisure activities.
12:00 - 12:30

The perfect school year

Our concept might be free, but our school year is structured to give freedom a framework. The school year consists of three terms, and classes take place:

  • From the first Monday in September until December 20th,
  • From January 7th until one week before Easter, and
  • One week after Easter until mid-July.

Our teachers

Our BRIGHT BRICKS teachers are highly motivated, open-minded, trained instructors with a focus on pedagogy and didactics.

The development of your child is their top priority, and they teach with a lot of heart. Professional development is just as natural for them as continuous supervision.


Our class teachers have teaching qualifications and the necessary academic degrees. At the same time, when selecting teachers, we make sure that they truly care for young children. Non-native English speakers have at least C1-level proficiency.


Our learning guides share our values and are highly motivated to make your child fit for the future. Therefore, we not only create a friendly environment for our students, but also for our learning guides. Remote work, appreciation, flexibility in the learning plan, small classes, supervision and an attractive remuneration with less time required than in the state school system enable us to select the best.


Our learning guides must be agile thinkers and open-minded to fit our concept. Despite their qualifications, our learning guides sometimes take unconventional approaches and are always up-to-date, both professionally and didactically.

This is what sets us apart from state school systems

UNBRICKED is not just different – UNBRICKED is better! 

Of course, it’s nice to have the security that your child can stay in their class even if you need or want to travel. 

But let’s be honest: many state school systems completely fail when it comes to preparing children for the future. Many children will have jobs that don’t even exist today. For over a hundred years, little has changed in the pedagogical concept of state education systems. On the contrary, some things have become worse. 

The future is different!

State school systems
Students per class
Location Independence
high, internet access necessary
locally only
natural inclusion thanks to small classes
Education benchmark
minimum requirement not met (7.5 million employed people in Germany are functional illiterates, 20.5 million adults struggle with writing simple words).
differentiated based on performance and interests at a high level
Coaching for learning plans and personality
not available
once weekly
Collaboration with parents
little to no desire
Teaching materials
Education for independent learning and living
full focus
academic training and non-academic background teaching assistants

teacher shortage predicted in Germany for 2034/35: 85,000

little to no quality professional development opportunities available.
academic education and experts from business, science, art, sports, and culture.

no teacher shortage.

continuous high-quality training.
Social interaction
high, but often difficult
focus on class community, strengthened by two deep dives annually (secondary school only)

This is what your child can expect


For each class, 6-8 Bright Bricks meet every morning for 60 minutes with their fixed class teacher to learn everything they need to start secondary school well-prepared, whether with us or at a state school.

Afterward, there is a break in which your child should solve a smaller task independently, but there is also time for playing and crafting. Before lunch, there is another 30 minutes in which the completed tasks are presented and discussed.

Although the Bright Bricks only have “only” 90 minutes of lessons per day (plus a small independent task), they learn the material of a regular school in a playful way and, depending on their inclination, far beyond it.


To accompany your child optimally on our site, he/she will have a mentoring conversation once a week. We will discuss the academic aspect in order to show your child what is going really well and where they need to improve so that we can work on that. Furthermore, it is also equally important to discuss personal matters. How does your child feel? What fears do they have? What is their position in the class community? What are their future plans?

Close collaboration with parents

And so that you are continuously well-informed about the knowledge and skills of your child, you will receive written feedback on your child’s progress on a monthly basis. If you have a need for discussion, there is also the option of a feedback call with the class teacher at any time.

Requirements & Pricing

Requirements for Participation

We want to provide modern education to as many children as possible. Therefore, the requirements for participation are kept as low as possible:

  • Stable internet connection, a laptop, computer, or tablet with webcam, headphones, and microphone (we recommend using an external microphone).
  • Willingness to regularly attend classes
  • Residence in time zones UTC-1 to UTC+6
  • A contact person who will support the child’s homework lovingly (parents, older siblings, grandparents, au pairs, etc.; no pedagogical training required)


We have consciously chosen not to receive government funding because it would subject us to the same constraints that we are trying to break free from to enable a new type of school. As we love transparency, here are all the details about our prices.

There is a one-time registration fee when you register. The annual school fee is charged monthly in twelve equal payments.

Primary school (Classes 1-4)
Admission fee (one-time)
1200 € / incl. VAT
School fee (monthly)
890 € / incl.VAT

Can my child be part of UNBRICKED?

In our Freedom Guide, you will find all the information summarized for you. Including all the requirements, a homeschooling overview for 25 countries to guide you, as well as three inspiring stories from famous personalities who enjoyed homeschooling as children.

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